Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Harvard MBA students to consult with Living Cities

Beginning in October, Living Cities will count on the consulting horsepower of a team of five MBA students from the Harvard School of Business. The team will deliver up to 450 hours of consulting on Living Cities' sourcing, uses, and deployment of capital.

Led by Professor Peter Tufano, Sylvan C. Coleman Professor of Financial Management and Senior Associate Dean for Planning and University Affairs, the team of five will identify the needs and opportunities in market-rate and below-market rate segments of the social investment sector. They will also show where and how Living Cities can play a useful role in that landscape.

The students bring diverse backgrounds and skill sets in general business, finance, and community development:

  • Aleem Remtula: Worked with Living Cities as 2008 summer associate; experienced in social investing.
  • Zach Morello: formerly of Deloitte Consulting
  • Kellie Hata: Experienced in distressed debt hedge funds
  • Laura Marquez: Completing joint program with the Kennedy School; Capitol Hill experience
  • Elana Berkowitz: Completing joint program with the Kennedy School; Capitol Hill experience
    Weekly progress meetings will culminate with a presentation slated for December, 2008.

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